What is the solution to affordable housing? There is no single solution to affordability. Since COVID-19, affordability had changed drastically, and we now have to find new ideas and resources to enable families to afford rent and homeownership. Zoe’s Wings partners with Builders and philanthropists to help make affordability rewarding.
We ensure every new homeowner understands the process from the pre-purchase to the day the family receives the keys to their new home. We assist with locating grants for first-time buyers.
We can teach new homeowners all the necessary things about homeownership through educational programs. Our locations are chosen based on the city’s needs concerning the lack of affordable housing in their communities.
The development housing includes single and multifamily rental properties and or homeownership. The affordable houses are in underserved areas.
Youth and young adults have employment opportunities within the community to learn a construction trade for skilled development. This opportunity encourages self-improvement and pride in the improvements of their neighborhoods. We encourage our community builders to hire from within the areas of affordable results.

Development Locations in progress
Final plans will be shared as the project moves along. Look for more information soon.

Zoё’s Wings will promote the awareness,