September 2023
Due to the Double Digit Weather this summer our 9-11 House Painting project was postponed for another time. We look forward to working with Covenant Lutheran Church again.
November, 2022
House Painting September 11, 2022
Garden & Cleanup Day April 2022
Back to School Giveaway
Zoe’s Wings Foundation, Inc. will assist with serving the community with CTLC on the 1st Saturday. We need a minimum of 8 volunteers. Please sign up monthly so we know if we have enough cover for the day.
Please help us make this a successful day!
Zoe’s Wings is committed to community pride and unity, teaching methods to preserve open spaces and native habitats for children and families. While encouraging sustainable living techniques and recycling, we honor diverse abilities, ages, and cultures. All gardeners welcome!” We are reaching out into the community to help agencies wishing to teach children and families at their facilities. Zoe’s Wings provides a place for neighbors to meet and share a common interest in organic gardening and provide healthy food for their family and friends; supply community members with the knowledge they need to garden organically in any situation. You will see a community garden in each of our affordable developments. Our program works with centers in impoverished areas that are considered food deserts. The majority of the children’s family receives financial assistance for home and childcare.
Zoe’s Wings Foundation, Inc. sponsors a “Learn, Grow, Eat, Live” Child Care Garden at A New Day Learning Academy.
Zoe’s Wings Foundation, Inc sponsors community gardens to provide space for residents to work together to create beautiful, productive spaces. East Temple is full of vacant lots which could be magnets for crime, however, well-monitored community gardens offer no place for crime to flourish and may reduce crime in the area immediately surrounding the lot.
Per a 2012 study at the University of Pennsylvania greening vacant lots, it reduces the feelings of depressions in city dwellers.*
Lots can be purchased or donated for the cause to bring local gardeners together and involved in our gardens. The benefits for the community are for them to spend more time outdoors, to interact with each other, make new friends, and experience improvements into a healthy lifestyle by getting them active improving mental and physical health.
Community gardens built by the youth and young adults in the community providing fresh, safe, affordable herbs, fruits, and vegetables help to relieve stress and increase a sense of wellness.
Alex Capozolo of Brotherly Love Real Estate, shared with me his writeup on Build a Community Garden on Your Vacant Lot . He states “Overall, adding beautiful greenery and fresh food to otherwise unused land can make the morale and pure strength of a community.” **
We partner with groups or agencies wishing to create a Pocket Parks space in selective areas to provide a safe and inviting environment for surrounding community residents.
We also partner with groups or agencies wishing to create Neighborhood Dog Parks in selective areas to provide a safe and inviting environment for residents to take their pets out for exercise and playtime unleashed.
Interested in selling your vacant lot or partnering with us with your donated lot please contact us. Your contributions and partnerships have a great place in our hearts!