With the support of the City of Temple, we are starting a Neighborhood Coalition in your area! Neighborhood Coalitions are not Homeowner Associations and are completely FREE of charge to participate and include the following benefits:
- Creating a sense of community among fellow residents.
- Providing an organized voice to governmental entities.
- Working together to prevent crime in your neighborhood.
- Provide an organized framework to promote, preserve and enhance the quality of life in your neighborhood.
Your involvement is critical to the success of this new association! If you would like to get more involved, find out more information, or if you have thoughts, concerns or ideas on how to improve the neighborhood, please contact the Neighborhood Association Coordinator below. We are looking forward to hearing from you and making a difference!
Neighborhood Coalition Coordinator: Zoe Grant at [email protected] 254-421-7930
Preferred Contact Method Please take the time to share with us your preferred method of communication. If you select text or phone please come back and fill this form out again if it changes. We can only leave a message if there is room available. Thank you, we look forward to keeping you informed of updated information and gatherings.

View Crestview Neighborhood District Conceptual Design Here

Upcoming Events
Yard of the month – See details below
Whats happening in the Crestview District

Yard of the Month
Coming soon! While the rains are upon us start thinking of your yard makeover and get ready to enter the Yard of the Month starting in the Spring.
With great things on the horizon we are all dedicated to improving the quality of living, fellowship and the appearance of our community. We encourage each resident join in and take pride in their homes and neighborhood.
We are looking for a beautifully manicured yards that shows creativity. Prizes will be awarded. We will be working with Wayman Manor, Crestview Apartments, Friendship House and other apartments in the area to see how they can participate following their complex guidelines and will create a separate porch of the month contest as well. Stay tuned.
- Timeline – April, May, June, July and August
- Special contest for Fall and Winter for the months of October and December
- Monthy time line from the 15th to the 15th of each month
- You can only win once except for October and December
- Work can be completed by the residents or a hired professional.
Continue to check the website for updates on judging requirements, voting and entry forms.

Past Events

A great time was has had Saturday, November 16, 2019 at South 30th & East Avenue J. Your input to make our Crestview District Neighborhood a wonderful place to live was greatly appreciated. Door prizes and cash prizes were given away.